Our commitment to accessibility ensures that our facility meets ADA requirements. For rooms on the second floor, guests have the convenience of accessing them either via elevator or stairs.
Available amenities for all rooms include:
- Tables
- Chairs

Eel River Valley (ERV) Room
- Size: 2129 sqft
- Capacity: Up to 150 guests
- First floor
- Amenities:
- AV Setup: Screen, surround sound speakers, microphones
- Kitchen access
- Courtyard speakers
- Convenient outside access to the courtyard
- Stunning views of wetlands and trails

Rohnerville Room
- Size: 1757 sqft
- Capacity: Up to 100 guests
- First floor
- Amenities:
- Advanced AV setup: Surround sound speakers, projector screen, microphones
- Kitchen access
- Separate entrance from parking lot
- Door leading to back courtyard
- Views of wetlands and trails

Mel & Grace Room
- Size: 984 sqft
- Capacity: Up to 70 guests
- First floor
- Amenities:
- AV setup: Surround sound speakers, screen, microphones
- Room divider for flexible arrangements
- Two separate doors for convenient access

Springville Room
- Size: 550 sqft
- Capacity: Up to 40 guests
- First floor
- Amenities:
- Sink
- Parking lot facing the door, ensuring easy entry for guests
- NO audio visual (AV) equipment available

The Grove Room
- Size: 492 sqft
- Capacity: Up to 30 guests
- First floor
- Amenities:
- AV Setup: Screen, surround sound speakers, microphones
- Convenient courtyard access
- Breathtaking views of wetlands and trails

La Communidad Room
- Size: 389 sqft
- Capacity: Up to 20 guests
- Second floor
- Amenities:
- Sink for added convenience
- No audio-visual equipment

Ollie’s Den
- Size: 748 sqft
- Capacity: Up to 50 guests
- Second floor
- Amenities:
- Specifically designed for exercise with a soft floor
- NO audio visual (AV) equipment available